From the Start

My grandmother's retired circus horses

My grandmother’s retired circus horses

Jodie as a budding horse lover.

Jodie as a budding horse lover.

From the time I met my Grandmother’s retired circus horses I have had deep admiration, respect, and love for horses. Horses occupied my every thought as a young girl and luckily my parents supported this passion. It was when I received the greatest gift of my own horse, Sweets, I realized what incredibly gifted teachers and natural healers horses can be.  I began to truly experience the depth of the powerful connection we can have with a horse.

A Passion Discovered

In my late teens I discovered a new passion, photography, choosing it as my career. After a very successful career as a commercial photographer, I found myself searching for a major life change. It was at this time I met an Arabian foal that reconnected me with horses and helped me realize how much I had missed having them in my life. That little filly, Good To Go, touched my heart so deeply, and reconnected me to that love and openness I felt in the presence of a horse. I realized how much I missed horses, and how I needed them in my life again. That little filly and I played together every day for a week and I am so grateful for the joy she shared with me, and the path she showed me. I felt such love and honesty being around the horses, I felt whole and at peace. It felt so right and so refreshing, I chose to make a radical career change in hopes of working with my first love, horses. It was time to give back and do something more meaningful.

Jodie Sinclair and Mama

Jodie Sinclair and Reason

Holistic Therapies

Having had great success in my personal life with holistic therapies, I immediately began my studies of modalities to use with horses. It was a perfect way to combine my holistic interests and beliefs, with my love of horses. Shortly after I began my studies, I began volunteering at a holistic vet’s office, eventually getting hired. It was the perfect place to reinforce the positive effect holistic work can have on the animals and to gain a great understanding of when traditional medicine is called for.

A New Pursuit

I initially chose areas of study that I myself had benefited from greatly. I have always been drawn to energetic modalities so I began with Healing Touch for Animals, (HTA) becoming a Healing Touch for Animals Certified Practitioner. I continued my studies with Equine Acupressure, Reiki, Aromatherapy and the Equine Natural Movement Series.

It was during my studies that I was asked to take over the care of a  beautiful rescued Belgian mare Reason. When I met her she was a shut down, depressed and at times a very belligerent horse, but I sensed something very special in her. She has been my greatest teacher during this journey. Not only giving me invaluable feedback on my work, but teaching me about patience and inspiring me to explore training styles to find the best fit for working with her personality. She has grown into a delightfully silly, very intelligent, willing and patient partner.

Always looking to gain new knowledge, I recently decided to further the base of my knowledge and was accepted into the Equine Massage program at Bancroft School of Massage in Worcester, MA. With courses in Anatomy & Physiology, First Aid, Health and Bio-security, History and Behavior, it was a phenomenal experience, vastly expanding my knowledge. I was grateful to learn so many new massage techniques and strokes to incorporate into my work. Working with many different horses, from the grand prix circuit horse to the lesson horse, I learned how to become adaptable to each horse’s personality in order to assure they received the most beneficial massage.

My main focus is now Equine Massage, yet I incorporate the other modalities I have studied when I feel they might be beneficial. Perhaps a few whiffs of a certain oil might help a horse to settle in and relax, or help them focus.

My Mission

It is my intention to make a positive difference in any horse’s life that I work with.

She has taught me so much...

She has taught me so much…

Just being around them helps, heals and comforts me. From the sweet aroma of their muzzles to their nickers and whinnies. From grooming them to feeling their warmth and muscles beneath me.

Horses are so trusting and give so willingly of themselves. Where would civilization be without them? They carried men into war, plowed fields, and pulled wagons to explore new regions and expand civilizations. Today they carry us to the Olympics, help us heal by participating in therapeutic equines programs, build confidence for troubled kids in equine programs and accompany us on a serene trail ride.

Horses are so important to me because of the positive impact they have had on my life experiences. It is because of this that I chose to find a place to work alongside them. I feel it is an honor and a privilege to be able to work with them in gratitude for all they have done for myself, and humanity. I am committed to donating my services to horses that may not otherwise have the opportunity to receive it, such as rescues, working and lesson horses.

Horses have an innate ability to sense what we are feeling. The ability to feel what is in our hearts and respond accordingly, whether it be to walk up and touch us, or turn their rump and ignore us.

I cherish being in their company, and feel such gratitude when I am with them.